nutrition salad vegetables

simple steps to better health.

It can be hard to find time in a busy life to eat for your health. You’d like a practical plan for weight loss that works, a healthy gut and happy hormones. You need a way to eat that helps you look and feel great, that suits you and your lifestyle.

You deserve to feel comfortable and confident in your body, to enjoy real, delicious food, regain energy and the advantages of good health. You don’t need another diet, you need a health plan that works for you.

For straightforward advice to help you lose weight long-term, improve your digestion, mood, sleep, and quality of life, book your complimentary call and let's get started.

“meal plans and recipes have been great. i’ve learnt so much about what to eat and enjoy”

S.H. Bucks

caroline barton nutrition

About me.

Hello, I’m Caroline. As a registered nutritional therapist, naturopath and health coach, my aim is to help you feel better, naturally. That means supporting mind and body with simple steps to balance your lifestyle with eating nourishing food and forming healthy habits that keep you on top of your game, for good.

I take time to listen to your personal experience of managing weight, digestive issues, hormone imbalance or possible diabetes risk. I offer continuous support, helping you adopt consistent changes to make a difference. I guide you gently and with care, as we integrate a realistic food and lifestyle plan into your daily life, and make sure there is nothing standing in your way. 

I am a registered nutritional therapist and member of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (mBANT) and am registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (mCNHC). I also hold a certificate in Health Coaching Skills for Nutrition Professionals.

I trained in naturopathic nutrition for 3 years and naturopathy for a further 18 months at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London.

Psychology of Appetite course with Dr Helen McCarthy

Mastering Cravings course with Dr Helen McCarthy

Registered Lifecode GX Nutrigenomics Practitioner

Health Coaching Skills with Zest4Life

Ongoing continuing professional development and research

Take the next step and get in touch.

Follow my journey.